Soft Pulls (Part 2)


At Jireh Financial, we aim to protect your credit as much as we would our own.  Lenders look at the number of hard pulls on your credit bureau to obtain information about how and where you’ve shopped.  Some lenders don’t like “shoppers” (people with several recent hard pulls), and will decline an application strictly because of the number of hard credit inquiries.  One reason for that is because lenders want to know your debt-to-income ratio, which would change if one of your recent credit pulls became a closed loan.

We do soft credit pulls so we can get a full picture of your credit bureau without negatively affecting your bureau or credit score.  We will review your soft pull with you and help make a plan.  We find that this soft pull and review process often lowers the number of hard credit inquiries you’ll get before receiving an approval from a lender.  The information from the soft pull review can also help you determine what amount of money you may qualify for.

In our 45 years of experience in boat and RV loans, we often hear stories from customers who went to one dealership and received eight or more hard credit pulls in one day.  In some cases those customers will go to another dealership and receive several more hard pulls, and sometimes from the same lenders.  With a little extra care for your credit, most of those hard pulls could have been prevented.  That is why it’s so important to trust the people working on your financing. 

Let us help you protect your credit and eliminate unnecessary hard credit pulls.  Jireh Financial is where your land and sea adventures begin!  We’re ready when you are!  Call or email us with any questions or inquiries.  

-The Jireh Financial Team (Ken, Cindy, Hannah, Marty, and Nick)


Soft Pulls (Part 1)